Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Flip charts/ White boards & What I use

Flip charts/ White boards

      - Flips charts and white boards are both perfect examples of cost effective choices during a presentation.
      - Easy to handle and easily could be modified during a presentation.
      - You can also benefit from recording viewers comments about the presentation or products

-       - Both can be easily torn and cannot stand wear and tear,
-      -  They need to be genitally taken care of and are fragile while transporting.

What I use….

As an aspiring business admin marketing student, I myself have to look forward to many different types of meetings and presentations, which are required in my field. My options for presenting vary from just verbal 5 min presentations to 10 – 15 min long group presentations. I have set myself to portray a more visual presentation, which varies from PowerPoint slides to videos.

My top choices are to use PowerPoint’s and videos, they leave a visual appeal to the viewers and it allows me to customize my arrangement and slide design to my liking. Mostly all of my presentations are organized from top to bottom by design style and topic discussion.

In the comments below let me know what creatiev ideas you guys use when you're presenting I would love to hear about some new ideas and concepts for business presentations.


Flip charts. (n.d.). Retrieved March 08, 2016, from http://betterevaluation.org/evaluation-options/flipcharts



Adding videos to your presentation can either make or break your viewers attention towards your topic. Depending on what type of video you are showing e.g. interactive, instructive or just a general overview of your topic, your viewers might have different reactions to each different one. The length of the video also affects your presentation, carrying on with a 10 min video might bore your audience and simply would not create the environment you need or want for your presentation.


  •       Videos can have a more appealing approach towards the viewer
  •       Videos can help relate the topic of discussion with the viewer by making a detailed connection.
  •       Videos give the accurate information and representation of the content and provide detailed information to keep the listeners attracted to the topic.


  •  Videos can get off topic or could get to long.
  • Potentially ruin your presentations interest.
  • Also different type of formatting could lead to the video not working during the presentation, which would lead to delays and improvising.
  • Making videos is not cheap at all, especially professional production some sort of editing and production skills are needed in order to finalize a video for a presentation.

Above is a video related to tips about presenting. have you ever gotten the butterflies before you presented? Have you ever watched a video during a presentation and it made you feel bored and unfocused drop me your comments below i want to hear what you guys have to say.


 5 Tips For Presenting Video In Live Business Powerpoint Presentations. (n.d.). Retrieved March 07, 2016, from http://resources.goanimate.com/sales/video-in-powerpoint 
10 Speaking Tips | Advanced Presentation Advice | How To Give A Powerful Speech | Public Speaking. (n.d.). Retrieved March 07, 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGdO_3jlVas 



Are translucent/clear sheets, which you can purchase from any electronic, or hardware store. You can print either images or photographs on the sheets, if you prefer getting it done professional it might cost a bit extra. Many schools use this technology till this day; it is very user friendly in regards to basic writing text but still lacks in technology.


-      -  Transparencies give a professional look with minimum effort and money.
-      -   They're very easy to maintain and are easy to change and update if needed.
-      -  Transparencies come in all sorts of colors which can help make your presentation more creative and outstanding.
-       - Transparencies are easy to purchase and could be modified by any computer device.


-      - They are very outdated and are being over taken by visual presentations
-      -  Image quality is very poor and it very difficult to view through the projectors.

-      -  Due to the changes in technology over head projector may not even be available in the area of presentation since it is being out dated.


      Farrelly, L. (n.d.). What Are Transparencies Made Of? Retrieved March 07, 2016, from http://www.ehow.com/how-does_5379436_transparencies-made.html 

Multimedia slides

Multimedia slides (Power Point/prezi)

Using multi media slides such as Power point or Prezi are great tools to make a platform for your presentation. Utilizing these tools would benefit the user in many ways such as, creating a custom presentation, designing and by adding pictures & videos.


-       - With multimedia presentation you can create many different themes to suit the topic of discussion.
-       - You are able to choose a wide rage of colors, art graphic which would help you in creating your desired theme for your presentation. You also have the option of choosing different fonts and font sizes to meet your desired needs.
-      -  Slides are easy to create but do take sometime to produce something creative with additional effects.
-      -  You can also add transitions effects between slides and add videos/photos so make your multimedia more appealing and to have a overall great presentation.

-       - some negatives about multimedia slides are that if you are on a tight budget it might not be possible to go through with a side show since projectors and screens are costly and also adding to many effects in the presentation can sometimes ruin the professionalism which should be felt during the delivery of the presentation.
-      -  Also you should be well rehearsed in order to have a flawless presentation.
-       - A lot of users tend to forget that they are giving a presentation and are reading off the slide shows, which makes the viewers not be interested in your presentation.


    Center for Teaching. (n.d.). Retrieved March 07, 2016, from https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/guides-sub-pages/presentations/

 Free PowerPoint Templates. (n.d.). Retrieved March 07, 2016, from http://www.free-power-point-templates.com/articles/pros-and-cons-of-using-audio-video-in-business-presentations/